تاریخ امروز:

نظرات نشر شده




Hazarzbek Tajiashtun

محل سکونت



I have spent about 3.5 hours of my precious time reading and analyzing the author of the word "conflict" method of writing and communication. The style of the perpetrator is to repeatedly engage others in an expertly trained way of questioning/ gathering information via initiating non-issue topics.

I still remember as if it was yesterday, that upon his/her tenure departure from AGO, the principle of that website stated something very similar to " if you do not have a shame, then we will be ashamed of...."

Therefore, I have no choice but to no longer write a word in Ariana Afghanistan Online, unless such element sees to exist deviating the valuable topics of the otherwise very great website. Thanks for the opportunity granted so far


ساخته شده در 23.03.2024 04:13 توسط  
آخرین اصلاح در 23.03.2024 10:55 توسط 1073741823